Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Irish Love

Okay. Third post tonight. Why? For one, Anderson Cooper had on some reporter who could put a load of librarians asleep, though the fly that kept landing on his face was really amusing. Second, I'm way to tired to tackle the 35 hours of work I need to do in the next several days. And third... I have an unexplainable urge to write about my recently found love.

I know it's somewhat typical to be obsessed with "Boondock Saints." It's sort of a cult classic amongst high school and college students, and rightly so. But aside from feeling obliged to love it because of my age group... well, I really do love it. I think I might have watched it three times in the past five days, and I laugh every time. Honestly, not since the Lord of the Rings epidemic a few years back have I ever been so adamant about my like for a movie. The acting isn't even that great... I don't know why I like it.

I've also begun to write a screen play. I have the entire story in my head; it's getting it out on paper that's the bitch part. It's very Stephen King-esque. I'm quite proud of it. Currently, I am debating whether or not to post the first three pages here... hmm.

Save me from my ramblings. It's 11:30, Family Guy is on, and bed is nowhere in site.

Oh, God.

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