Despite priding myself in being a woman of higher class tastes and, well, academia, I'll admit it, 'Hot Fuzz' rocks my socks. Honestly, I don't think I ever had more fun at a movie. At first I was wary of it, because it started out rather slow, but... well, fuck! It got really good, really fast. And now it's coming out on Tuesday. I can't tell you how excited I am. (Is it a little weird that I thought Simon Pegg was a bit attractive when he went all badass on everyone and was shooting up the town? Ah, well. I guess it's the Anglophile in me).
I have to go to Drum Major camp next week. Yes, Drum Major camp. I am, in fact, a Drum Major. Though not the nerdy kind, mind you... I'm the butt-kicking, splits-doing type of Drum major you see in the movie 'Drum Line.' Hell yeah!
Well, okay. Not really.
But my band has over three hundred members, we've marched in the Rose Parade, and have played a half time show for monday night football.
So we basically rock.
Anywho, I'm sort of excited to go, since me and my three other Drum Majors are by far some of the best at camp. I don't know why, but it sort of boosts my confidence a bit.
AHHHH! I still need to get my senior pictures taken slash start on college apps. I'm so not looking forward to that.
I'm out for a bit.
P.S. I know this blog has turned into more like a diary. Can I help it? After all, would you rather here me rant about Bush or my daily life? I don't know. :D
I say go for both went it comes to a toss up between political ranting and your day to day experiences.what I do know is that there is no such thing as a badass drum major. :P
Pshaw. Go rent 'Drum Line'. It's a crappy movie, but just watch the guys running around with batons and doing the splits.
You'll see. We can be pretty cool.
"Hot Fuzz" rocks. Oh, and your blog is awesome. Thanks for the linkage on your sidebar, I'll be sure and do the same.
Awww. *blushes a wee bit* My first linkage. That makes me happy. Yay!
And pshaw, you're blog rocks, too. <3
Just to clearify, guys doing the splits is not cool. (it is quite painful though) lol. But fine i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say drum majors are cool.
Yes. Thanks.
And aside from being a cool drum major, I'm actually quite a cool person, so it balances out.
You do seem like a pretty awesome person. I need to add you to my blogs i read links thing.
:D That would make me happy. I'll put you in mine, too.
Yes, I said woot.
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