Monday, August 13, 2007

A bit of self-patting on the back

Okay, so I'm finally back.

Just so you know, this is going to be a longish post. Be warned.

So, two weeks ago, I went to Drum Major camp. YES. Drum Major camp. And as I've seen some dissension in the ranks when I mentioned I was a Drum Major, let me reiterate that I am a cool Drum Major. I'm not too big of a nerd, and my band is pretty tight, with over three hundred people in it. That's, like, one out of every five students at my highschool. So shutty.

Anywho, camp was at Western Oregon University (WOU; or, to spell it phonetically, "WOOOOOOO!"). We stayed in the dorms, la dee da. It was pretty fun, and needless to say, here comes the self-patting on the back portion of this post.

USA, United Spirit Association, is a pretty big deal. They put on these camps, and so to be given awards by them is sort of an honor. Wanna hear what I got? Too bad. I'm gonna tell you.

  • A Superior plaque, which means I was of the top Drum Majors at Camp
  • A 'Most Distinguished' medal, meaning I was the top marcher at camp.
  • A 'Best Leader' medal, meaning, well... you get it.
  • I was named one of ten all-stars, and invited to march in the New Year's parade in London.
  • I was offered a job to staff next year
Excuse my... bragging? Is that what this is?... I don't know. It's just that I'm never really looked at as the best at much, so being the best at something is lovely. Needless to say Lily, my female Co-Drum Major was very happy for my, while Kyle and Gary, by male C0-Drum Majors were a bit bitter.

Male thing? I dunno.

More coming in another post. I need to go replenish my caffeine supply.

1 comment:

MadhouseMedic said...

Being a drum major is cool, only if you get to do one of those crazy high step marches while you play. That's just my .02