Monday, August 13, 2007

California dreamin' ...

So I went to visit my family in California for a week. It was over all a pretty fun time, and I'll just start from the beginning, really.

First of all, can I just say that I adore traveling? I think it's the whole mystique of not knowing anyone else that I like (needless to say, running into a friend totally ruins this mystique... luckily, this time around, I didn't see anyone I knew at the airport). I guess I get it in my head that everyone and his mother sitting on the plane could be a spy, and, considering my dad is still trying to convince me that he's actually a CIA operative (the scary thing is that I don't know if he's actually kidding or not...), I like to think other people think I'm a spy, too! And considering I took twelve years of ballet, am a Drum Major, and like to think I'm a bit graceful on my feet, I'd also like to think I sorta look the part.

HAH! Or not. But it's fun.

So I stayed at my cousin's house. My Aunt and Uncle are quite close to us, considering my mom is only a year apart from my aunt; they are close, therefore we are. Their two children are adopted from Russia, which is always a tear-jerker of a story to tell. It's a bit sad, really... the boy, Wayne, was adopted from a hospital, where the nurses took secret care of him; he was in perfect health. However, the girl, Ashley, wasn't in such good condition, and now suffers from numerous disabilities, namely severe ADD and mild autism. Despite this, she's on meds and fairly normal, though it's sad, because her medication inhibits her from being... excited? Happy? I don't know.

And before you call me glib and start jumping on couch, back off; I believe the meds are helping. And I don't believe in aliens. Kay? :D

Anywho... GAH, too tired to continue. More later.


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